What is CSST? The Consortium for the Science of Sociotechnical Systems Researchers (CSST) is a distributed community of researchers and practitioners from academia and industry, collectively committed to addressing social challenges and ethical questions related to computing. This includes generating recommendations about the social, ethical, and political implications of technology use and also the creation, implementation and repurposing of computerized tools to address societal-level problems. We pursue investigations about society and technology together, or sociotechnical systems.
What does CSST do? CSST fosters a social network of top socio-technical scholars from North America, our members carry out cutting edge sociotechnical research in academia and industry. CSST’s major activity is a yearly summer conferences in which established scholars in the field present new research and interact with promising new scholars (PhD and postdoc).
Impact of CSST: The list of alumni of the CSST summer event are a who’s who of top socio-technical scholars in academia and industry in the United States.
Why support CSST (value proposition)? Support for CSST provides organizations a chance to forge relationships with both established and new sociotechnical scholars. Attendance can be used for recruiting, and also to explore academic-industrial collaborations. Supporting CSST helps ensure strong industrial and academic research capacities to peruse issues of computerization and society.
For more information(call to action): CSST welcomes sponsorship at all levels for its annual summer conference. For more information about potential sponsorship of CSST, contact a member of the current leadership team at CSSTleadership@gmail.com.